RHYME SCHEME: The pattern of end rhymes in a poem, expressed as a string of letters. QUATRAIN: A four-line section, with its own rhyme scheme. He was a man of great talent and wild temper, born in 1516 and executed on order of Henry VIII 19 January, 1547. SURREY: English soldier, politician, and poet. LAURA: Petrarch's lady-love, who had hair like gold, a glance as dazzling as the sun, and the voice of an angel. Italian poet, scholar, and humanist, most famous for writing The Divine Comedy, also wrote Canzoniere, a collection of love lyrics.
Helen and Hero hildings and harlots Thisbe a greyĮye or so, but not to the purpose. Kitchen-wench marry, she had a better love toīe-rhyme her Dido a dowdy Cleopatra a gipsy Without his roe, like a dried herring: O flesh,įlesh, how art thou fishified! Now is he for the numbers Consider Mercutio's greeting to Romeo when Benvolio says, "Here comes Romeo": In addition, Romeo's love-longing for Rosaline seems to be borrowed directly from the eternally suffering lover portrayed over and over in sonnets. Sonnets in the play: The Prologue to the play is a sonnet the Prologue to Act 2 is a sonnet and editors often identify the first fourteen lines of the first meeting of Romeo and Juliet (beginning with Romeo's "If I profane with my unworthiest hand") as a sonnet. The Shakespearean Sonnet and Romeo and Juliet